Monday, October 5, 2009

This is my favorite time of the year.....

when the leaves are changing colors, don't have to use the air conditioners and can actually open the windows and enjoy the smell of Autumn, and of course (it may be a pain to others) the leaves start falling off the trees and onto the ground. As I was sitting on my bed listening to whatever was on and while checking my email I actually got a whiff of someone using a wood stove or a fire place as it was well after 11pm.......of my opinion it was not cool enough to need a heater....but there may have been a reason why they needed to use the heat. I LOVE this weather although my back does not particularly care for the change in the barometer I long for this temperature. I also LOVE, LOVE the winter time and the snow.....I am praying that this year the Lord will give us a couple of Minnesota Blizzards......I would love to be snowed in for a few days....course though my truck has 4 wheel drive which is so AWESOME to use especially on the beach!!

For the first time in years....I really don't ever remember in all the years of being in the ministry of being able to go on vacation......we were BLESSED to go with one of the new families from church on vacation!!! We all had a GREAT time........driving down was good, put my truck in 4 wheel drive to get to our house in 4 wheel drive country of the Outer Banks of North was breath taking I just cannot begin to imagine when I could stop describing the beach and how wonderful it was.

I wish years ago we could have went somewhere like this with our oldest son Caleb........I miss him so much these days and fervently pray for him and the choices that he is making. Praying that God will be merciful to him but for the Lord to get his attention before it is too late or before he makes an even bigger mess of his life. WHY is it that we have to learn from OUR mistakes.....WHY can't we listen to those that have walked this route, those who have hurt and heartache for the choices and decisions that they have made in their life. It is so hard being a parent while letting God take control of their life and knowing how bad its going to hurt them when they realize the mess they have made of their lives and why they cannot ever take back some of the choices that they made or will make.

I imagine that this is a taste of how we hurt our dear Savior on a regular basis!! Thank God that he is so forgiving of us when we keep doing those things we know we should not do!! How our Lord must hurt and the pain he feels when we turn our backs on him, how his children can say that they don't believe there is a God.....we must have FAITH to believe in him......FAITH to trust that he is coming back for us one day very soon, FAITH to trust him in good or bad times!! What people don't often realize is that they have faith and trust in someone or something every day of their gotta have faith that the shower head is gonna spray out hot water in the morning when getting ready for work or the days activities, faith that when you put the key into the ignition that it is going to turn over like it did yesterday, faith that the drivers on the road are going to obey the traffic laws and not run into your vehicle, faith that the food you are going to eat for lunch is not poisonous, faith that your boss is going to have work for you just like he has in the past, faith that your spouse is going to be there when you return home, and faith that God is going to continue supplying all your needs like he has been doing all along. It really is not hard to have FAITH and to put your TRUST in the Lord for you, your family and for all of your needs!!!!!!!

Well.......I thought I had more to say......but I have fallen asleep like 3 times so I am going to let everyone go and I am going to get some of the sleep that you are already taking advantage of.

Goodnight to all!

Monday, June 15, 2009


You have probably been thinking that either I don't know what I am doing or u possibly think that I thought this was a post once a month thing. The real truth is that I don't probably know what I am doing.....but am getting the hang of it. LOL I actually logged in myself without asking my daughter "how do I do this again?". LOL The other reason I do not get on and post is because I am busy packing the house, packing up my Craft Room at the church to move to the new house, and taking the household things we had already packed up (when we took the little boys in) and had stored in the back part of the Church building.

We got to officially start moving things into the main floor of the house and as of Wednesday started moving furniture in! I am even more excited now than I was already in the very beginning. When we dropped off a load from church Sunday afternoon I noticed that he (owner of house) had started on the windows and he seems to be almost done with those and it looked like he was going to try again to get that stain out of the Dining Room carpet from the previous renters. I took my Rainbow over and was going to shampoo the carpet.....cause if you don't know.....Rainbow Vacuum cleaners are awesome and in my opinion it could get that stain out. I will just let him do it with the new machine he bought and see how that does. I may or may not try with my Rainbow just because I don't want to hold up setting my house up.

I called today and arranged a day and time for the phone, internet, & Direct TV to be turned off here and turned on over there. I sent my hubby a text and asked him not to be mad at intent when I made some other phone calls today was to try and save money. Well, what I am suppose to do when the Direct TV guy tells me that instead of hooking the two rooms up that I can add another room for only $5 more a month. I don't want the kids to have a TV up there without a TV Guardian so I said.....Yes to have it installed in my Craft Room. You know for background noise or to kinda watch something when I am locked in there working on some projects. My hubby never responded back to my text.....but I don't think that he will be upset....he may just say something like...."you got to be kidding me" in which case I will chuckle.

I got to go and finish watching "Pride & Prejudice" with my daughter Katie.......I really did not think I would even like to watch it. But it is actually pretty good and so now I am ending my "monthly" post until another time.....soon! Now I have two little boys telling me to hurry up so we can watch the movie as they want me to be fast. What was I thinking when I handed them two pieces of red licorice....I will pay for it later.

Enjoy your night and we will talk soon!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hello, I just wanted you all to know that I am still here. I am finding out from some certain people that I am suppose to update my Blog at least once a week and that I am a "horrible blogger". My first response to that was that I have all kinds of others things to fill my day standing right by my "new toy". After much persuasion and the fact that my refrigerator is across the room and not where it is suppose to be. I convinced my hubby to buy me an Ice Maker and so I have been making ice around the clock.

My sweet "little man" aka "Gabriel" for those who don't know who that is woke me up Wednesday morning at 8:00am to tell me that the red light (that tells you to empty the full bin of ice) was on and that I needed to get up and take care of it! My first thought was "are you suppose to be out of bed?" and then when I completely woke up I chuckled. He loves to watch the new machine as much as I do and those who have benefited from bags of ice are loving it as much as we are and as well as the "little men" do. So if you live nearby and want to save a buck or two then give me a call and I will see what I can do to fill your order! I don't ever plan on charging for the ice but from time to time it may be necessary for 2.5 or 1 Gallon size Freezer Bag donations.

Please pray.....for my son who is in the Army and will be traveling tomorrow evening to come home for Mother's Day and that we will all have a GREAT weekend together! I Hope & Pray that your weekend will be as Wonderful as I hope ours is!!

Until next time.......your blogger friend!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Thought of the Day.......

Throughout my life I have often heard people say that it is wrong or evil for a woman to be up at night while everyone else is sleeping. I disagree with that thinking as there are times that I am needed to say up later than everyone else....cause I have some unfinished business to tend to, need to do preparation for the next days meal, want to spend time ALONE with God, or just because I need some "ME" time.

You know it would do all of us some good to set a goal to be a Proverbs 31 woman!! Oft times I am needed to do things that for one reason or another I am unable to do them during the day. When doing things at night......I won't have to worry about the phone ringing unless it is an absolute emergency. Though I usually get those (Emergency) phone calls when I am sound asleep and in bed and don't want to be disturbed.

I want to share a verse with you in case you are one of those people that stays up late once in awhile because you have things that need to be done. I don't know about you but if I try laying down in bed it is really hard to shut my brain off and get some sleep.

I would recommend that each day when you have your devotion time that you read a chapter in Proverbs each day as there are 31 chapters in the book. No matter how many times you have read these proverbs you will still find a verse that the Lord will use to minister to your heart.

I want to share Proverbs 31:15 "She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. Whenever I read this verse I always ponder over it as to what I feel the Lord means for us to learn from this verse. I may be wrong but I think it is the Lord's way of letting us know that there will be times that we either will not go to bed Proverbs 31:18 and or times that we rise up early in the morning and have our devotions and start preparing and doing those tasks or goals that we may have set to do for that day. Use your time wisely, make lists, set goals for yourself, find things to do that keep you from plopping down on the couch and watching television, getting on the computer, or talking on the phone most of the day. I believe that not having an agenda or not having any goals that it has the tendency for us to get into trouble with our mouth (GOSSIPING) and prevent us from doing what God commanded us to do. Let's not give Satan any part or place in our life!!

Proverbs 31:16 "She considereth a field. and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard." With the way our economy is these days if at all possible I would recommend planting a small garden loaded with fresh fruits and or vegetables to make up for the nasty and expensive ones that we will continue to purchase at the store. If at all possible I would get into a habit of clipping and using whatever coupons you are able to use and then bring the extras in to your church for others to look through and use.

I apologize ahead of time for rambling on and on. I pray that this encourages you and God continues to mold you into the Proverbs 31 lady that he is looking for. My prayer is that this little devotion will be a help and encouragement as well as a BLESSING to you!!!!

Just starting...

Well, She has finally been sucked into the wonderful world of blogging. :) This is her daughter writing this, she will get on later and post for the first time. Just wanted to welcome her to blogger. I am so glad she let me set a blog up for her, I am sure she will enjoy blogging as much as I do. Look forward to her first post.