Saturday, April 25, 2009

Thought of the Day.......

Throughout my life I have often heard people say that it is wrong or evil for a woman to be up at night while everyone else is sleeping. I disagree with that thinking as there are times that I am needed to say up later than everyone else....cause I have some unfinished business to tend to, need to do preparation for the next days meal, want to spend time ALONE with God, or just because I need some "ME" time.

You know it would do all of us some good to set a goal to be a Proverbs 31 woman!! Oft times I am needed to do things that for one reason or another I am unable to do them during the day. When doing things at night......I won't have to worry about the phone ringing unless it is an absolute emergency. Though I usually get those (Emergency) phone calls when I am sound asleep and in bed and don't want to be disturbed.

I want to share a verse with you in case you are one of those people that stays up late once in awhile because you have things that need to be done. I don't know about you but if I try laying down in bed it is really hard to shut my brain off and get some sleep.

I would recommend that each day when you have your devotion time that you read a chapter in Proverbs each day as there are 31 chapters in the book. No matter how many times you have read these proverbs you will still find a verse that the Lord will use to minister to your heart.

I want to share Proverbs 31:15 "She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens. Whenever I read this verse I always ponder over it as to what I feel the Lord means for us to learn from this verse. I may be wrong but I think it is the Lord's way of letting us know that there will be times that we either will not go to bed Proverbs 31:18 and or times that we rise up early in the morning and have our devotions and start preparing and doing those tasks or goals that we may have set to do for that day. Use your time wisely, make lists, set goals for yourself, find things to do that keep you from plopping down on the couch and watching television, getting on the computer, or talking on the phone most of the day. I believe that not having an agenda or not having any goals that it has the tendency for us to get into trouble with our mouth (GOSSIPING) and prevent us from doing what God commanded us to do. Let's not give Satan any part or place in our life!!

Proverbs 31:16 "She considereth a field. and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard." With the way our economy is these days if at all possible I would recommend planting a small garden loaded with fresh fruits and or vegetables to make up for the nasty and expensive ones that we will continue to purchase at the store. If at all possible I would get into a habit of clipping and using whatever coupons you are able to use and then bring the extras in to your church for others to look through and use.

I apologize ahead of time for rambling on and on. I pray that this encourages you and God continues to mold you into the Proverbs 31 lady that he is looking for. My prayer is that this little devotion will be a help and encouragement as well as a BLESSING to you!!!!

Just starting...

Well, She has finally been sucked into the wonderful world of blogging. :) This is her daughter writing this, she will get on later and post for the first time. Just wanted to welcome her to blogger. I am so glad she let me set a blog up for her, I am sure she will enjoy blogging as much as I do. Look forward to her first post.